Call for the promotion of knowledge transfer for public entities in Cantabria

The objective of this call is to promote the transfer of knowledge in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, understanding knowledge transfer as the set of activities aimed at the dissemination of knowledge, experience and skills in order to facilitate the use, application and exploitation of knowledge and capabilities in R&T of the university and research centers outside the academic environment, either by other R&T institutions, the productive sector or society in general.

The maximum amount of the call is 200,000 euros.

The grant will be awarded for the amount corresponding to the cost of the actions that are accredited as necessary for the proper implementation of the project, with a maximum limit of 20,000 euros per project.


Public companies, public business entities and foundations attached to or dependent on the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, as well as any other entity belonging to the autonomous public sector of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, which are in the situation that justifies the granting of the subsidy.

The purpose of the subsidies is to provide economic assistance to public entities that promote the transfer of knowledge.

This knowledge transfer can adopt any of the following modalities:

– Transfer of knowledge derived from the realization of Final Degree, Final Master or Industrial Doctorate works of interest for the end user of the knowledge transfer.

– Transfer of knowledge derived from the realization of collaborative Research Projects between the agent that develops the knowledge and the potential end user of the same.


The application shall be accompanied by the Descriptive Report of the Project according to the model that will be published as an Annex together with the call, as well as an estimated list of eligible expenses corresponding to the period to which the call refers, also formalized in the official model that will be published as an Annex to the respective call.

The application shall be accompanied by an Annex-Responsible declaration in accordance with the model that will be published together with the call for applications.

The application shall be accompanied by an estimate of eligible expenses corresponding to the period to which the call refers, in accordance with the model of Annex-Estimation of eligible expenses that will be published together with the call.


The applications must be signed by the representative of the entity, formalized in the official model that is published in the Annex in the call.

Applications may be submitted up to one month from the day following the publication of this extract of this call in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (25/05/2023).

Applications may be submitted at the Common Electronic Register or at cBOC Cantabria (25/05/2023)

Orden UIC/9/2023, de 19 de abril, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de subvenciones para el fomento de la transferencia de conocimiento destinadas a entidades públicas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, publicada en BOC de 4/05/2023 (enlace)