El próximo día 10 de mayo, la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica (SEIMC) y la Sociedad Americana de Microbiología han organizado el webinar “Microbiology evolution: future challenges”. Este es el segundo webinar de los cuatro programados por estas instituciones.
Conferencias y Ponentes:
The role of biofilms in the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. Prof Vaughn Cooper, PhD, BsD.
Study of the phageome and its role as vector for arg transmission in the uwc? Prof Jesús L Romalde, PhD, BsD.
Applications of lc ms/ms based proteomics in medical microbiology. Dr Nelson da Cruz Soares, PhD, BsD.
Microbiome and metabolome. Prof Pieter Dorrestein, PhD, MD.
Conclunding remarks. Dra Monica C Gestal, PhD, BsD.
Prof. Jesús L Romalde. ASM Ambassador for Spain. University of Santiago de Compostela, USC. ES
Dra. Eva Torres-Sangiao, PhD, PharD. ASM YA for Spain.
Resumen de la sesión:
Microorganism can be found in every habitat on Earth being approximately 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells, in the human body. But, the lack of knowledge regarding natural background prevalence in diverse environments limits our understanding of implications of their prevalence on both, human and ecosystem health. Antibiotic resistance has recently been identified as an emerging environmental contaminant. And, bacterial biofilms are serious global health concern due to their capacity to tolerate antibiotics or host defence systems contributing to persistent chronic infections. Besides, biofilm is a complex structure of microbiome.
The presentations outlines our current state of knowledge under the One Health concept. The speakers bring to us the last advances from different viewpoints of knowledge using “omic” approaches to better understand the global interconnections among environment and resistance transmission to our own host-immunity, even. This webinar covers big concerns as resistance transmission, biofilm resistance evolution, in relation to resistome, mostly using genomics but supported by mass spectrometry approaches, such as proteomic and metabolomic, in order to deep understand the own microbe evolution.
Sesión abierta a todo el público interesado: https://rb.gy/dl7yy1