The IDIVAL Innovation Support Unit, in collaboration with the Valdecilla Virtual Hospital, develops the EValTec® program (Valdecilla Health Technology Evaluation). The EValTec® program considers the Human Factor as a tool to change organizations and improve patient safety.

EValTec® performs studies of ergonomics and human factor of health technologies and processes and supports its implementation with the aim of making its use safer.

EValTec® realiza estudios de ergonomía y factor humano de tecnologías sanitarias y procesos y apoya en su implantación con el objetivo de hacer su uso más seguro.

EValTec® works in collaboration with experts from MedStar institute for Innovation in Washington, referring worldwide to the Human Factor and Ergonomics.

  • Evaluates sanitary technology for the Cantabrian Health Service as a support to the acquisition decision making and support in its implementation.
  • Evaluate and redesign care processes.
  • Evaluates sanitary technology in the design phase before being put on the market by manufacturers, with a view to its improvement

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