The Microscopy Unit offers an integral service of high-end laser and transmission electron microscopy aimed at providing technical and methodological support in the development of research projects that require these technologies.


IDIVAL building, Lab 011

(+34) 686.300.596

(+34) 942.315.515 (Ext. 61826)


  • Electronic Microscopy Unit Director 

Dr. Miguel Ángel Lafarga Coscojuela 


  • Spectral NIKON A1R confocal laser microscope with TIRF module, laser lines 405nm, 457nm, 477nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 638nm.
  • Epifluorescence microscope for videomicroscopy NIKON Ti equipped with a wide combination of flitter sets, methacrylate incubator, coupled micro-injection system and with automatic focus maintenance systems.
  • Transmission electron microscope (MET) JEOL -JEM 1011 equipped with a high resolution Gatan digital camera.
  • Off-line equipment for image processing and deconvolution with license of Nis software and another of SVI (Scientific Volume Imaging) for deconvolution and analysis of images. We also have open source programs like ImageJ, Fluorender, etc.
  • Laser Raman Spectrometer. Jasco NRS-4100. Laser 532 nm, objetives 100x ,50x, 20x and 5x, 4 diffraction grattings (600, 1200, 1800 ,2400 lines/mm),QRI (Quick Raman Imaging) and camera EMCCD Andor DU970P-FI.


Optical microscopy

  • Mono or multichannel confocal microscopy in tissue / fixed cell and living cell.
  • Mono or multichannel Epi-fluorescence in tissue / fixed cell and living cell.
  • Single-channel or multi-channel TIRF (Total Internal Reflexion) in tissue / fixed cell and living cell.
  • DIC for all Nikon A1R objectives.
  • Phase contrast for all Nikon Ti Epifluorescence Microscope objectives.
  • Análisis espectral (escaneo en λ para el estudio de diferentes emisiones).
  • Spectral analysis (scanning in λ to study different emissions).
  • Resonant scanning for live confocal cell study at very high speed.
  • Studies in living cells in widefield, confocal or TIRF.
  • Obtaining images by transmission electron microscopy.
  • Specialized techniques and other services:
    • Time-lapse recording
    • Photo-bleaching (resonanate head) and simultaneous galvo scanning.
    • FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching) techniques, FRET (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) and FLIP (Fluorescence Loss In Photobleaching).
    • Simultaneous acquisition of 32-channel spectral images.

Electronic microscopy

  • Training and support in the management of equipment.
  • Calibration of the microscope before the sessions.

Image Analysis

  • Analysis, treatment and quantification of images.
  • Cell tracking.
  • Deconvolution.


Office Hours: 9:00-16:00.
Phone: 942 31 55 15   Ext: 73219
Service Request Form