Information day to introduce the COST program

10 de May de 2017

Date 6 of June
Location: Madrid
Address: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness,
Paseo de la Castellana, 162, Madrid
Observations: AGENDA

The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness holds a National Information Day for the dissemination of the COST Program between the Spanish scientific and technological community. This conference will be held on 6 June at the Hall of MEIC, Paseo de la Castellana 162, in Madrid and will have interventions by the national delegate in the Committee of Senior Representatives of COST and the National Coordinator of COST. In addition, Spanish participants in COST Actions will communicate their experience taking into account the scientific aspects, evaluation of proposals and management of the Actions.

The objective of the conference is to promote the participation of Spanish researchers in the COST Program (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and to publicize the characteristics and advantages of participating in COST Actions. It will also communicate the recent changes to the Rules of Participation in the COST Program.

¿What is COST?

COST started in 1971 and is currently one of the broadest collaboration frameworks, with € 300 million from the Horizon 2020 budget. COST funds four-year cooperation networks called “COST Actions”.

COST has always been based on the concept of open and inclusive networks (its Actions), which includes all scientific-technological areas (including interdisciplinary fields, new and emerging), new and original ideas (innovative), all types of participants (public and private entities, large and small), different research careers (young and senior researchers), all countries (small and large), etc.

Why is it interesting to attend?

COST Action is a simple instrument, suitable for initiating European and international cooperation in research and innovation projects. COST anticipates and complements the activities of the EU framework programs, it constitutes a “bridge” to the scientific communities of the different disciplines. It also promotes the mobility of researchers across Europe and the establishment of scientific excellence.
The day is addressed to managers and researchers / research groups from universities, research centers, technology centers and companies.

Registration through the following link:

Registration will be accepted until 1st of June , or until capacity is completed.

More information abour COST: