UIMP Meeting RRI in Spain and its model of incorporation in Health Research Institutes

29 de May de 2019

This UIMP meeting, co-organized by the Health Institute Carlos III and IDIVAL is dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

The RRI requires participation from broad deliberation forums that reinforce the democratic spirit of our society in the field of research and innovation. Its own generation needs of starting points based on open and transparent information with the aim of allowing public scrutiny and continuous dialogue between the parties involved in the scientific process. The society, through the understanding of the processes of research and innovation, guides the way in which defines their own future.


July 1, 2019

10:00 h Inauguration.

ISCIII Representative: General Director of the Health Institute Carlos III 

Cantabria Representative 

UIMP Representative 

10:20 h Presentation.

Course Director: Pilar Gayoso Diz, ISCIII

Course Director: Galo Peralta Fernandez, IDIVAL

10:30 h Conference 1: RRI and Open Science in the European context: present and future. Ms. Eva Méndez. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Scientific Policy-Open Science, Universidad Carlos III Madrid.

11:15 h Coffee

12:00 h Conference 2: New technologies as a way of interaction between science and society. Iñigo de Miguel (Chair Genome and law, UPV).

12:30 h Round table 1. Agents involved in the RRI. Moderator: Cristóbal Belda, General Deputy Director for Evaluation and Promotion of Research, ISCIII

  • Health sector. – Galo Peralta (IDIVAL)
  • Patients.- José Luis Baquero (Spanish Patients Forum)
  • Companies.- Margarita Alfonsel (FENIN), Julián Isla (Microsoft)

13:15 h Lunch

15:00 h Round Table 2. Ethics and Governance. Moderator: Gonzalo Arévalo, General Deputy Director of International Research Programs and Institutional Relations, ISCIII

  • Maria Casado (Director of the Research Center of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, UB)
  • Iñigo de Miguel (Genome and Law Chair, UPV)
  • Melanie Smallman (Deputy Director of UCL`s Responsible Research and Innovation Hub)

July 2, 2019

09:30 h. Conference 3. Paul Wouters. Professor of Scientometrics Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Leiden.

10:15 h. Round table 3. Gender equality. Moderator: Margarita Blázquez, General Deputy Director of Networks and Cooperative Research Centers, ISCIII.

  • Ana Puy Rodriguez (Director of Women and Science Unit, MCIU)
  • Inés Novella (UPM, Madrid)
  • Ferràn Barbè. Scientific Director CIberRES

11:30 h. Coffee

12:00 h. Round table 4. Citizen participation. Moderator: Emilia Sanchez-Chamorro. General Deputy Director of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, ISCIII

  • Paula Adam (AQUAS)
  • Rosina Malagrida (Head of the Living Lab in Health of IrsiCaixa)
  • Laura Mohedano (European Projects Office, ISCIII)
  • Spanish Patients Forum.

13:30 h. Food

15:30 h. Round table 5. Open access. Moderator: Manuel Cuenca, General Deputy Director of Applied Services, Research and Training, ISCIII.

  • Eva Méndez (Vice Chancellor of Scientific Policy-Open Science, U Carlos III Madrid)
  • Elena Primo Peña (National Library of Health Sciences, ISCIII)
  • Luis Martínez Martínez (Chief S of Microbiology H.U. Queen Sofia of Cordoba)

July 3, 2019

10:00 h. Conference 4. The Institutes and the RRI. Ms. Raquel Yotti Álvarez, General Director of the Health Institute Carlos III.

11:00 h. Round table 6. How to address the challenges of the RRI in the IIS. Moderator: Pilar Gayoso, General Deputy Director of Evaluation and Research Promotion, ISCIII.

  • Ismael Buño Borde, Scientific Director IIS Gregorio Marañón, Madrid
  • Francisco Tinahones Madueño, Scientific Director IIS IBIMA, Málaga
  • Luis Antonio Castaño Gonzalez, Scientific Director IIS Biocruces, Bizkaia
  • Angeles Almeida, IIS of Salamanca
  • Joan X. Comellá, Director IIS Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona

12:45 h. Closing.