From today, March 1 at 11:00 a.m. until next March 8 at 10:00 a.m., you can vote for the photos in the health technology category at @SValdecilla
The photographs can be seen displayed on the exterior screen of the Botín Center at o'clock.
Voting can only be done through SaludArteValdecilla's twitter @SValdecilla. The two photographs in each category with the most “likes” will be the winners.
Important note: You can retweet, but only the "likes" of each photo are counted. If the tweet is cited, the "likes" are not counted.
The photographs that you can vote on twitter are detailed below.
Link to vote:
Title: Esterilización a baja temperatura
Description: Heat sensitive materials are sterilized at low temperature by hydrogen peroxide. In the image it is being verified that the parameters of the sterilization cycle are correct.
Title: Codificación 2D
Description: Secure and coded biological samples.
Title: Artesanía en miscroscopía electrónica
Description: Resin-soaked tissue sample (gold piece) embedded in a microtome support and prepared to be sectioned with a diamond blade. Each section floats on water (Diatom cuvette) and is collected on a grid to be viewed under the transmission electron microscope.
Title: Lavadora nº 4
Description: The photograph represents the entry of the dirty material in the washing machine nº4, just arrived after a surgical intervention.
Title: Congelados por el COVID
Description: Storage of COVID-19 samples.
Title: Buscando al enemigo invisible
Description: After the hard days of the Covid waves, we continue in the fight to make the anatomical catastrophe visible. We are the light of the invisible, we are water, we are air, matter and the light in your body and in mine.