Creativity to care and take care of people contributions of the arts to the field of health

31 de May de 2021

Centro Botin the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital organize the course "Creativity to care and take care of people: contributions of the arts to the field of health" that is part of the course program of the University of Cantabria and will take place from 12 to 16 of July.

This course focused on knowing how the arts can contribute to the improvement of the well-being of health professionals, so that they are the ones who in turn can better care and heal their patients. This course is part of the project on creativity, art and health in which the Centro Botin and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital collaborate.

In the course, the SaludArte project that is being developed at the Valdecilla Hospital will be presented. Since its creation in 2019 seeks to improve the well-being (emotional and creative skills) of health and non-health professionals through artistic activities.

The objectives of the course are:

• Knowing and presenting an overview of the potential and how the arts, health and creativity trinomial is being managed at the international, national and local level.

• Learning about artistic projects with direct application in healthcare settings.

• To experience firsthand the benefits of the arts.

• Looking for connections between what has been learned and what has been experienced in order to find direct application in the work and personal sphere.

A meeting that will have the participation of national and international experts in the field of health, the arts and creativity- They will offer their vision and experience in this matter, to reach, together, conclusions that can help us in our day to day, not only directly with patients but also in other ways that can contribute to the improvement of the system and health care.

During the course, lectures on practical cases will be combined with workshops and artistic experiences that respond to the trinomial arts, emotions and creativity, focused in this case on direct application in healthcare settings. Each day will have a part dedicated to the current panorama from management, another to knowledge of examples of projects already underway, to reach a part of personal experience and end in the search for connections with our work environment.

A course aimed at professionals in the health field from care and management to auxiliary positions, as well as all people interested in the subject, have no direct relationship with it.

More information: Summer courses and university extension Summer Course (

Registrations: Registrations