European calls for biosanitary field

31 de May de 2021

From IDIVAL's European Projects Department, we know that making an overview of the schedule of calls for European public funding is quite laborious.

It is for this reason that we have made a compilation of the most important deadlines of Public Financing Programs and we have collected them in a single interactive calendar that you can consult below:





At the moment, it is only possible to consult it online and it includes a link to all the pages of interest and basic information about the calls. It should be noted that we have tried to carry out a previous selection, collecting only those calls in the biosanitary field, in which we consider that IDIVAL has a great value to contribute.

Within the calendar, you can see that certain calls still have tentative dates for their opening, such as those corresponding to the new Horizon Europe Framework Program. As soon as we have the final dates, they will be reflected in this same document.

Feel free to spread it among all those people who you think may be interested.

We remain at your disposal for any questions at: 


Sarah Berrocoso: 

Paloma González: 

Natalia Puente: