1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Health


On 28 April, the Botín Foundation in Santander will host the 1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Health, a programme of round table debates in which experts in the field of innovation and health management will discuss organisational innovation, patient-centred innovation, health technology and innovation and knowledge.

The conference will be opened by Cristóbal Belda, Director of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Regional Minister of Health, Raúl Pesquera.

The forum will then open with a keynote speech by Dr. Ángel Carracedo, director of the Xenomic Medicine Foundation-SERGAS and Professor of Legal Medicine at the University of Santiago with the paper “Precision Medicine, new realities, new challenges”.

The conference is open to companies, innovation and research managers, executives and anyone interested in the subject.

The conference is organised by the IDIVAL Research Institute and the Regional Ministry of Health and sponsored by Janssen.

Registration in advance at the following link. Registration (link)

The conference will be an excellent opportunity to establish networks and work synergies with the attendees and speakers and there will be spaces for networking and coworking.