1 de May de 2021

Next May (May 18th to 20th) the I Cantabria Health Congress is held, which is created as a forum that allows the exchange of good practices and dissemination of knowledge.

Internally, this Congress seeks to be a complementary space for other initiatives that are already being developed at the local level, such as the "Days of Exchange of Good Practices" in the Hospitals of Sierrallana and Tres Mares, and the "Days of Innovation and Development" at the "Marqués de Valdecilla" University Hospital and an opportunity for other Managements and other professions in our field. Externally, this Congress will be a space that allows us to establish synergies with our stakeholders.

The Congress will focus on the theme of Sustainable Development: "Health and Well-being for all at all ages".

"Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages is important for building prosperous societies"

Given the circumstances, the congress is held online. The registration period is open until next May 5.


At the following link you can access the Congress program: Program (link)

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