In September, a new edition of the International Precision Medicine Forum, organized by IDIVAL, will begin. This Forum was created with the aim of updating and disseminating new trends in research and the state of the art in various diseases, all with a focus on precision medicine.
Until the date, this program has been quite a success, not just by counting on the endorsement of 24 associations and health platforms and sponsorship of 20 pharmaceutical industry companies, but also by the endorsement of more than 4,000 enrolled and participation of approximately 250 experts at the national and international level. The Forum is accredited by the Commission for Continuing Training Commission of Health professionals and by the Spanish Professional Accreditation Medical Council for DPC / FMC, which is also a clear indicator of quality.
This program is situated in line with the strategies of personalized medicine and precision medicine at the national and international level, thus reinforcing the commitment of the center with the development of new formative programs that fit the present and future needs in the field of medicine and clinical research.
In this new edition, three new online modules on vascular risk, clinical trials and nursing care in the COVID era are scheduled.
Registration is free and can be done through the IDIVAL training portal.
Forum 2023 poster