On Thursday, January 16, within the program of general sessions of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, the director of management of IDIVAL, Galo Peralta Fernández will give the session under the title “IDIVAL, five years after its accreditation”.
In 2014 IDIVAL is constituted as a foundation and remodels its organizational structure and in March 2015 IDIVAL is accredited by the Carlos III Health Institute as a Health Research Institute, being one of the 31 Health Research Institutes accredited in our country. In December 2019 IDIVAL has again been audited by the Carlos III Health Institute to re-create itself as a Research Institute whose results will be known in this year 2020.
During the session, the main milestones of the Institute will be reviewed since 2015, the evolution and future of the clinical trials of Cantabria, the IDIVAL Biosanitary Dynamization Plan, the main results of the Institute and research opportunities and challenges in the coming years.
The conference is open to all the public of Santander who wants to participate. It will take place on Thursday, January 16 at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, in the Téllez Plasencia Hall (Hall 16) at 8.15 in the morning.