Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hiperostosis

10 de August de 2020

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) or Forestier-Rotés-Querol disease is a rheumatic process that mainly affects the spine and is characterized by the tendency to ossification of ligamentous structures, tendons and capsules articular.

A research paper has recently been published in the prestigious journal Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, which analyzes the values ​​of the “Trabecular Bone Score” (TBS), an imaging technique that evaluates the state of the bone microstructure, in a group of 968 males aged 50 and over with and without DISH. This is the first study to analyze the usefulness of TBS in DISH and shows that TBS values ​​are significantly lower in men with DISH compared to those without this disorder. This finding was independent of age, body mass index, and bone mineral density, measured by densitometry, and therefore it is concluded that the presence of DISH could be related to a worse bone microstructure.

The study has been carried out by Drs. Pini, Sgaramella, Pariente, Ramos, Olmos and Hernández from the group "Research in Genetic Epidemiology and Arteriosclerosis in Systemic Inflammatory Diseases and Metabolic Bone Diseases of the Locomotor System" of IDIVAL. It is framed within the research line of Epidemiology of Bone Metabolic Diseases of this group, in the context of the Camargo Cohort, a large population study, the result of collaboration between Primary Care physicians and clinicians of the Bone Metabolism Unit of the Internal Medicine Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital and the University of Cantabria.

Ref. Trabecular bone score and bone turnover markers in men with DISH: Data from the Camargo Cohort study. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2020 Feb 1;S0049-0172(20)30008-1. Stefanie F Pini, Giusi A Sgaramella, Emilio Pariente-Rodrigo, M Carmen Ramos-Barrón, José M Olmos-Martínez, José L Hernández-Hernández. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32093967 DOI: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.01.008