IDIVALs Board of Trustees approves an innovation plan 2021

31 de August de 2021

The IDIVAL Board of Trustees held on 27 September approved an Innovation Action Plan 2021 that includes the implementation of the Business Council, already provided for in its statutes. This programme includes an ambitious training plan in innovation that includes three national programmes led by researchers from the Institute, one for training in innovation management, another in innovation and clinical research, and a third in innovation in immune-mediated diseases.

Institute results in 2020

IDIVAL has increased its scientific activity by 15%, with 647 papers published. IDIVAL researchers have participated in 102 clinical trials, 33 of them highly complex, and in 12 clinical practice guidelines with international repercussions, generating income of 7.7 million euros between turnover and grants, 14% more than the previous year.

The board of trustees, chaired by the health councillor Miguel Rodriguez, highlighted that the clinical trials activity represents the greatest economic growth, with 3.4 million euros invoiced in 2020, 31% more than the previous year. This has generated the hiring of a total of 119 people for the development of research projects and 22 for support activities.

New members to the board of trustees

The Board of Trustees has also approved the renewal of its internal board with the incorporation of health professionals María Jesús Cabero, Emilio Rodrigo, Jose María De la Torre and Professor Mónica López Fanarraga, as well as new scientific directors: David San Segundo, in the Cytometry Support Unit and María José Marín, in the Biobank.

In addition to the Regional Minister of Health, who holds the presidency, the rector of the University of Cantabria (UC), Ángel Pazos, who holds the position of vice-president, is also a member of the board, as well as the vice-rector of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the UC, Javier León Serrano; the general secretary of the Regional Ministry of Health, Virginia García Hurtado; the general director of Organisation, Pharmacy and Inspection, Jorge de la Puente; the Director General of Digital Transformation and User Relations, Santiago García; the Manager of the Cantabrian Health Service, Celia Gómez; the Managing Director of HUMV, Rafael Tejido; the CSIC Professor and Director of the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), Piero Crespo; the head of the Digestive Service of HUMV, Javier Crespo; the head of the Radiotherapy Oncology Service of HUMV, Pedro Prada; the head of the Internal Medicine Section of HUMV, Jose Antonio Riancho, and the head of the Internal Medicine Section (Infectious Diseases) of HUMV, Carmen Fariñas.