The meeting, arranged by the French partners, it will be held in Purpan, Toulouse, in the Paule de Viguier University Hospital, the days 15th and 16th of October.
This meeting will be useful for all partners, ACCOMIP (France), MEDES (France), Minho’s University (Portugal), FUTURE BALLONS (Portugal), CTIC (Spain) and the SCS with IDIVAL as leaders, to update the project’s current situation, each partner will share information about their progress made. Besides, the chronogram will be updated for the work groups and the actions to be developed until the end of the year.
The project TiChroN, co-founded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), pretends through the use of new technologies, the promotion of health and improvement in the care of children and teenagers with chronic diseases, in addition to the relation in this process with their families and their school environment. TiChroN will develop an attention model based on the ICT which allows a better management of the disease and its consequence for the children, their families and their school environment, through actions such as the development of a mobile app for empowering and training them to react precociously in situations of risk for their health. These activities will be validated through the pilotage in the three countries (France, Portugal and Spain) and later analyse the results and stablish some necessary improvement actions.
Currently, the SCS and IDIVAL are carrying out the first work group tasks, consisting in the detection of needs through poll development and focal groups, as well as the obtainment of information about the application of the new technologies for the child population’s health care nowadays.