IDIVAL renews its internal scientific council with the incorporation of four new members

3 de January de 2017

The Board of IDIVAL at its meeting on December 16th approved the update of its composition with the incorporation of the following researchers: – Marcos López Hoyos. Coordinator of the Transplant Area of ​​Organs and Tissues and New Therapies. Head of Immunology Service. University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. It replaces Dr. Manuel Arias, recently retired. […]

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Biomarker tools to design clinical vaccines determined from a study of annual listeriosis

19 de December de 2016

Frontiers in Immunology, the first most cited magazine in the field of Immunology and with high ranking, publishes in its open-access edition a coordinated work between the IDIVAL Research Institute (Group of Nanovacunas and cellular vaccines based on Listeria), Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Microbiology Service and Section of Infectious Diseases) and the University Hospital […]

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IDIVAL participates in the largest genetic study of schizophrenia

13 de December de 2016

After analyzing more than 41,000 people (21,000 individuals with schizophrenia and 20,000 without it), the largest genomic study of schizophrenia to date has managed to isolate rare genetic variations that increase the risk of this disease. This study, recently published in Nature Genetics, has been conducted and led by the University of San Diego (USA), […]

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A cardiologist from Valdecilla at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1 de December de 2016

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best Technical University in the world. Rafael Reif, president of the MIT, said in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El País on the 24th of October: “There are people from 152 countries in the MIT. Almost 80% of the nations are represented here. MIT has a […]

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Dr Riancho will be rewarded in the XIV National Research Awards

25 de November de 2016

Dr. Riancho will be rewarded in the XIV National Research Awards due to his research on “Neuroprotective effect of bexarotene in the SOD1G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)” published in the magazine 'Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience'. On the call has participated in total 16 research works, in which 10 are national projects and […]

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Valdecillas Study concludes that Binge Drinking Is Associated with Alterations in Executive Functions

21 de November de 2016

The cognitive disorder unit of Valdecilla Hospital, under the direction of Pascual Sánchez-Juan, neurologist of Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and researcher at IDIVAL, has developed a study to evaluate the effects of binge drinking associated with alterations of executive functions. In our analysis we observed that the students who binge drink obtained worse results […]

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Charcot-Marie-tooth Disease type 2G redefined by a new mutation in LRSAM1

9 de November de 2016

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most frequent hereditary neuropathy, with a prevalence in Cantabria of 28 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Combarros et al, Acta Neurol Scand 1987; 75: 9-12). Under the acronym CMT2 are included the axonal forms with autosomal dominant inheritance. The IDIVAL Neurodegenerative Diseases Group, based on the Neurology Service of the Hospital […]

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Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified

8 de November de 2016

The journal Nature Neuroscience has just published an article on a study, in which researchers from the Psychiatry group of the University of Cantabria-IDIVAL-CIBERSAM, led by Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, head of the IDIVAL Group of Psychiatry, Have identified five new sites in the genome, and replicated two previously described sites associated with intracranial volume. The study […]

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Cantabria aprueba el modelo de contrato de ensayos clínicos para el sistema Sanitario Público

8 de October de 2016

La Consejería de Sanidad del gobierno de Cantabria aprueba el modelo de contrato de Ensayos Clínicos para el sistema Sanitario Público de Cantabria a través de una orden publicada en el Boletín Oficial de Cantabria el día 7 de Octubre. Esta orden considera a IDIVAL con ente gestor de todos los contratos de Ensayos Clínicos […]

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IDIVAL participa en la noche de los investigadores

17 de September de 2016

El próximo 30 de septiembre desde las 16:30 h hasta la medianoche, tienes una cita con la ciencia. ¡Ven y participa en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores 2016!​​​ La Noche Europea de los Investigadores es un evento europeo de divulgación científica que tiene lugar simultáneamente en unas 300 ciudades de 24 países europeos y vecinos. Por cuarto año consecutivo, Santander […]

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